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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Holy Cow! - pardon the pun...

Well, I never would have guessed that so many people would be against me on quitting the red meat! Yes, I said it, I have given up eating red meat. What's the big deal anyway?

I don't really fancy a big, fat juicy steak. I have eaten it for years, but never any real enjoyment has come from it. Yes, I have had some really tasty burgers, and lets not forget my love affair last summer with the Meat House. Their sirloin tips are the best I've ever tried. Good enough to make me want to slap my own mother. However, that being said - I won't miss it.

I will continue eating turkey, chicken and fish. Heck, I will still eat the pig - because I have to tell you that some of that turkey bacon isn't all that tasty...

(Unless I find something that tastes as good as real bacon, I'm not going to give it up.)

As far as my beloved hotdog - I will not give it up either. There are some really good turkey, chicken and pork dogs, not to mention our new friend the tofu dog. (I haven't tried those as of yet, but what the heck, I will give it a shot.)
I've had turkey burgers and veggie burgers and they're both pretty good. And, I have actually come to prefer ground turkey in tacos! There is one particular brand of veggie breakfast sausage that is absolutely delicious - at least to me... I really don't think it's going to be hard. The only downfall I have, that I can forsee, is my bad memory. I'll grab something and eat it before I even remember that I don't eat it anymore... LOL

I'm not a hypocrite as some people have suggested. I did not say I am going vegetarian, vegan or anything even remotely close to that. Not that there's anything wrong with that - but geesh people - all I have given up so far is the cow.
Rockin on with my non-beef eatin self

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

L-A Harley Great American Open House

It's taken almost 24 hours for me to recover from an INCREDIBLE day spent at L-A Harley Davidson for the Great American Open House. I'm not sure how many people attended...but it was a lot! Thanks to everyone in Frank Nation that stopped by just to say hi to Heidi and me.

The morning started off in fine fashion as I picked out my very first Harley. Here she is...a 2007, Pacific Blue Pearl, Sportster XL 1200C. To say it's sweet would be a HUGE understatement.

In all honesty, it isn't the bike that I was originally interested in. After weeks of research, talking to other riders, and taking the two day safety course last weekend, I was convinced that I wanted a Sportster 1200 Nightster like the one in the picture below.

John Story and the guys at L-A Harley listened patiently, smiled, and then recommended that before making any decisions that I sit on a few bikes, see how they feel, and then decide.

Man, were they ever right! After sitting on the Nightster it was very apparent that the bike just wasn't made for a guy 6' tall. So shaking off the disappointment I went about finding the bike. This was an important's my very first bike after all...and just like a kiss, you never forget your first!

After sitting on at least 10 bikes, I narrowed it down to three. As I went back and forth between bikes, sitting on them, walking around them, and asking questions, I got it down to two. By that point it was just a matter of which one felt right. Back and forth I went...waiting for a sign...and then it hit me: blue is my favorite color, I was in the United States Air Force and wore blue a lot, I love Blues music, Blue Sky by the Allman Brothers is one of my favorite songs...I'm sure more stuff passed through my brain in that split second...but I can't remember what. I was just thrilled that I had found her!

From that point on, I spent the rest of the day on the air and taking in the sights, the sounds and the smells of the Great American Open House. It was a day full of bikes, BBQ, and bands. Of course I would occasionally run back in and look at the bike, taking time to point her out to anyone that showed the slightest interest. Looking back at it now it's sort of how I acted when both Jack and Nick were born!

After the event was over and I was done working for the day I went inside to find just the right motorcycle jacket and boots. Who knew shopping could be so much fun...and time consuming! Mike is the guy that helped me find my helmet a few weeks ago, so it was only natural that I'd ask for his help this time.

After explaining the pro's and con's of each jacket, tossing in a history lesson on each, and pulling multiple sizes to ensure the right fit...I narrowed it down to two jackets. At that point I thought Mike would just say pick one, and ring me up. But instead, Mike went one step further to make sure that I was properly outfitted. He had me put each jacket on and then sit on my bike so that I could feel the weight of the jacket, and the freedom of movement that I could expect while riding. He did the exact same thing with my new boots.

Needless to say, this sort of customer service is why people shop at L-A Harley. I truly didn't feel like a customer...I felt like family. Everyone from John Story, to Bert, to Mike, to Stormi who rang me up...treated me as if I was the most important person in the building. And I've watched them do that to everyone that comes through the doors. It doesn't matter if you've been riding motorcycles for 25 years or if you're a new rider like walk out the door feeling great about the experience. That's pretty rare in this day and age of get 'em in and get 'em out, just get the money.

Tuesday, once I get off the air, I'll head back to L-A Harley and pick up my bike and ride her home to Hollis. I'll keep you up to date with how it's going both on the air and here on the blog.

Thanks again to all of you that have been encouraging and supportive as I take on this new adventure.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009


I have two boys so I do a lot of shopping for sporting goods, toys, clothes, and food. In just the past 3 months I've spent at least $500 at Dicks Sporting Goods getting them geared up for baseball, and other activities.

I've shelled out another $250 since January at Toy's R Us for birthday presents, Bakugan, and Nerf guns. Don't even get me started on what I give Hannaford and Shaw's every month! And since they never seem to stop eating, that means they keep growing...which means they know me on a first name basis at Old Navy.

I'm not complaining about spending the money, or what they charge for stuff...what annoys me is the barrage of questions hurled at me once I get to the cash register.

"Do you have the ScoreCard, sir?"

"Would you like to save an additional 10% on your purchase today?"

"Would you like to make a donation to (insert their favorite charity)?"

"Did you find everything you needed today?"

"Have you shopped with us before?"

"Can I have your phone number?"

Please just stop. I barely answer the first question before they hit me with the second and the third. It's like watching one boxer pummel another with a flurry of lefts and rights.

Here's a thought....just say "Hi" and then zip it until you tell me how much I owe. If feeling particularly chatty a nice "How are you?" or "What a beautiful day" would be fine....but STOP with the interrogation. My God, they might as well hold me down and waterboard me! Why can't they simply ring it up...tell me what I owe you...and let me go.

And here's a question...why do I have to have one of those Club Cards, or whatever fancy name they have for them...just to save 10%. Why not just sell the stuff 10% cheaper and then I could afford to buy more stuff!

OK...I'll climb down off the soapbox...the boys just brought in the new Cabela's magazine. Oh look, 30% off if I get a credit card this Memorial Day Weekend! It will probably take a 3 day weekend to answer all the questions that come with filling that out! AaaaaaaH!

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Reflection, help and love..

In March, I was fortunate to be a part of my first Frank Cares for Kids Raido-Thon. And, as many of you heard, I couldn’t get through the interviews without sobbing.

I couldn’t read 'the poem' without bawling my head off.

I am a mother of two - and Geoff has two kids that I care for as much as my own. To imagine that any one of them has been diagnosed with a terminal illness would be devastating. I couldn’t imagine watching them struggle with a problem that I couldn’t fix or help them solve. I would like to think I could draw upon some hidden inner strength – but I just can’t fathom doing so. The parents were remarkable.

One thing I learned about all the kids at the BBCH - They’re accepting, they’re insightful and they know that they have a purpose. They are wise beyond their years, they don’t feel sorry for themselves and don’t want you to feel that way either. They are magical.

Two boys in particular stole my heart. Josh and Cody.

Josh is a leukemia survivor, and little 3 year-old Cody is just starting his long and painful journey through treatment. When they met, it was like they were two old souls that shared a special secret that no one else knew. They were instantly drawn to one another and were fast friends. Cody followed Josh and his brother James all over that atrium playing and talking. Josh and his brother were so kind and patient to Cody. It was so wonderful to see…I smiled and I cried at the same time.

I am crying as I write this, and remembering how I felt those three days. I felt insignificant. I was unimportant. I was scared to go to the hospital, because I didn’t want to face myself. I liked my life. I liked to complain when I didn’t get my way, when traffic was too slow, when I got a blister from my new shoes. I was happy. The ‘problems’ in my life were so miniscule compared to what I saw and learned. Sure, my feet hurt at the end of the day but, who am I to complain about a blister from my shoe – when I am sitting next to someone who isn’t able to get up and walk around because they’re too sick? Ouch. Who knew that a serious look at ones self could hurt so much?

After my initial shock and sadness, I felt angry. Angry at the cancer that wanted to hurt these kids. I have seen people abuse and destroy their bodies by their own personal choices – drugs, alcohol, cigarettes... I was one of them – I smoked for 21 years. But these beautiful, perfect children don’t deserve to be hurt it and they sure didn’t ask for it. It wasn’t fair. How could this happen to them? Why would this happen to them? I never did get an answer to that question. I don’t think there is one.

Every five minutes, someone is diagnosed with blood cancer, such as leukemia and lymphoma.

Every ten minutes, blood cancer takes a life.

Currently only 3 in 10 patients will find a matching donor that could save their lives.

I am a blood donor. I have filled out the paperwork to become a bone marrow donor. It’s important. Much more important that I am. I know that not everyone that reads this will be motivated to change their life in order to change someone else’s, and that’s OK.

But if just one person makes the choice to help, then they have saved a life. A life like Cody's. A life like Josh's.

Here is a place to start making a difference:

For all of you that sent email requests - I finally got my hands on 'the poem'. I call it 'the poem' because not only did it reduce me and those in my immediate area to tears, it caught you off guard in your kitchen while you were doing dishes. You heard it in your car and had to pull over and compose yourself before you were able to resume your travel. You heard it in your head at night like I did, when everything was quiet and your mind went to that place just before sleep.

Just For Today
by Sally Meyer

Just for this morning,
I am going to smile when I see your face...
and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning,
I will let you wake up softly in your flannel p.j.'s...
and hold you until you are ready to stir.

Just for this morning,
I will let you choose what you want to wear...
and I will say how beautiful you are.

Just for this morning,
I will step over the laundry to pick you up...
and take you to the park to play

Just for this morning,
I will leave the dishes in the sink...
and let you teach me how to put your puzzle together.

Just for this afternoon,
I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off...
and sit with you in the garden
blowing bubbles.

Just for this afternoon,
I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you
scream and whine for the ice cream truck...
and I will buy you one, if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon,
I won't worry about what you are going to be
when you grow up...
I will simply love you for the joy you bring me

Just for this afternoon,
I will let you help me make cookies...
and I wont stand over you . . . trying to 'fix things.'

Just for this afternoon,
I will take you to McDonald's and buy us both a 'Happy Meal'...
so you can have two toys.

Just for this evening,
I will hold you in my arms and tell you the story of how you
were born...
and how much we love you.

Just for this evening,
I will let you splash in the bathtub...
and I won't get angry when you pour water over your sister's

Just for this evening,
I will let you stay up late...
while we sit on the porch swing
and count all the stars.

Just for this evening,
I will bring you glasses of water...
and snuggle beside you for hours...
and miss my favorite t.v. show.

And tonight when you are sleeping safe and warm in your bed,
I will think of the mothers and fathers
who mourn for the children they have lost.

I will remember the parents who sit by hospital beds,
watching over the little ones they love.

I will weep for those parents whose children are cold,
hungry and suffering,

and .... this evening,
when I kneel down to pray,
I will simply be grateful for all that I have

and not ask for anything... except just one more day.

Think about life today. But, not just yours. Wouldn’t you want someone in your corner too?

I am thinking about Cody and wishing him sunshine and love.


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Monday, May 18, 2009

Motorcycle Update

If you listened to Frank's Place with Bill & Heidi last week, then you know that I decided to make a life-long dream come true and learn how to ride a motorcycle.

So, this past weekend I took the Maine Motorcycle Safety Education Course at Auburn-Lewiston Motorcycle Rider Education. The class was taught by Bud Caouett and Bill Haddock.

I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I do know that it was worth every cent. To say it was intense would be an understatement. Fast paced and intense, Bud and Bill filled my head with more information than I thought I could handle. After two hours in the classroom answering questions and watching video's...we were outside and on the back of a motorcycle!

As I mounted my bike, I was actually nervous...which isn't something that I usually feel. All of a sudden I was way out of my comfort zone! Choking back the nerves I tried to focus on Bud as he barked out instructions and Bill demonstrated. They both made it look so easy..but boy this stuff was much harder than it looked. At the end of the first day I had serious doubts if I was ever going to be able to ride a motorcycle successfully!

Then it dawned on me...I know a heck of a lot more this evening than I did this morning! I knew how to properly mount the motorcycle, start it, take off, and shift gears (although it wasn't the smoothest)...heck I even popped a wheelie...even though I didn't mean to! By the way, I still haven't had to go to the bathroom since then! Arriving at home Saturday night I had enough energy to eat, finish my homework, kiss the family good-night and go to bed.

When Sunday morning arrived I felt more confident. I was eager to get back on the bike and learn the next eight lessons before taking the riding evaluation. However, first I had to pass the written test...which I did with a 98 out of 100.

Back on the motorcycle two hours later, I found myself more relaxed and processing the information much faster and easier. At some point on Sunday afternoon it "all came together" as Bud and Bill said it would. Something just clicked, and for the first time I felt good about what I was doing.

Needless to say, however confident that I was feeling at that exact moment went flying out the window when it was time for the riding evaluation. As I looked around at my 10 classmates, I realized I wasn't the only one wondering if I would pass. Even the best riders were a little less sure of themselves than just an hour before.

Bottom line...I was one of the lucky ones...I passed! After a huge sigh of relief and a big smile, we were all reminded that all though we passed the course and can now go get motorcycle licenses, that doesn't qualify us as good riders! It takes hours and hours, sometimes years on the back of a motorcycle to be a truly proficient rider.

With that little dose of reality in my back pocket, I shook hands with Bud and Bill, and jumped into my car for the ride home. For the first time, I was much more aware of all the bikers on the road, and realized the challenges they face as they share the road with cars and trucks.

If you're a regular listener to Frank's Place with Bill & Heidi, or a reader of my blog, and you don't ride a me a favor. The next time you're driving just pay attention and look for motorcycles...and be courteous. Most of them are watching for you. They want to arrive safely to where ever they're going just like you. Especially people like me that are new riders!

I hope to pick out a Harley-Davidson this weekend at L-A Harley and then find a nice safe parking lot for a few weeks before hitting the streets. So if you see a guy doing U-turns and quick-stops at Hollis Town Hall or behind Hannaford you'll know it's me. Stop by and check out my bike. I'll tell you all about the safety class, and give you Bud's number so you can get signed up and join the fun.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Just one of the reasons I love YouTube...

It's Friday - the weather is beautiful and I've got spring fever!
I am ready for the weekend and thought it would be nice to share a few that maybe you hadn't heard in a while... Get your groove on!

Ohio Players - Love Rollercoaster

Cool and the gang – get down on it

Earth wind fire – September

Hot Chocolate – you sexy thing

Heatwave – Boogie Nights

Can't help myself...

Get down with your funky self!


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Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Dream Come True

By nature I've always been a car guy. My absolute favorite is the Porsche 911 Carrera.
It's been a dream of mine to own one for well over 25 years...and some day I hope to make it a reality.
I decided a long time ago that if I ever got famous, became a huge success, and made more money than Bill Gates, that my one weakness would be cars...and motorcycles.
I fell in love with motorcycles the summer of 1978 when our next door neighbor, Don, brought home a Honda. I can't remember much more than it drove my mom nuts when Don gave all of the little kids in the neighborhood a ride around the block one Sunday afternoon after a cookout.
I also remember that since I was in Junior High School I didn't get a ride. Man was I mad...I really wanted to cruise the neighborhood and be seen by this really cute 9th grade cheerleader that lived right around the corner. The fact that I would have been on the back hanging on to some beefy guy without his shirt on never crossed my mind...I just imagined her seeing me as "Bill Fox...motorcycle ridin' stud."
So when old Don put the bike away after taking my sister for a spin...I was hot! I remember stomping into my bed room, talking under my breath, and slamming the door. I vowed that afternoon that someday I'd have my own motorcycle...and I wasn't going to let old Don get near it!
Well it's been a few years since that summer day in 1978...and over the years my dream of getting a motorcycle had to go on the back burner. Oh sure, I still loved them. I always turned my head when I'd hear one rumble by...or if I saw a group of bikes riding down the road I'd pause for a second, wonder where they were going, imaging the freedom they must feel.

A few weeks ago L-A Harley held a silent auction for their customers, and they asked me to play MC. I eagerly agreed and had a blast hanging out with the staff, the customers, and all of the bikers that stopped by to check out the auction.
As I talked to them, asking questions, and getting to know them...I felt a real urge to buy a bike! Of course the fact that I've never been on a motorcycle gave me cause for pause. But, when I told a few of them that I've always dreamed of riding...instead of laughing like some of my friends have over the years...these folks were encouraging! They urged me to follow my dream. The passion that they spoke with about riding a Harley was contagious.
I drove home that night turning over all of the possibilities in my head. I slept on it, and thought a little more, and eventually told my wife what I wanted to do. She just shook her head and muttered something about wear a helmet and upping the life insurance!!
So, I've made my decision. I'm taking a motorcycle safety course this weekend...and if all goes as planned, I'll be riding a Harley Davidson by the end of the month. I'm not sure what model...but I sure do like the Rocker C. I'd love to hear your suggestions and/or thoughts if you're a H-D rider.

Oh yeah, by the way...Don, if you're reading this...I'm not giving you a ride after the cookout!

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Projects abound....

Projects, projects and more projects...

That seems to be my life lately. Not that I am complaining! Don't misunderstand, I LOVE projects! The sense of accomplishment, the pride in a job well done, it's great! I can coordinate paints and fabrics with structures and furniture - and I get jazzed up thinking of the end product, and how beautiful it will be. I can visualize how I'd like to see my flower garden, taking into account the sun, soil, climate and surrounding landscape. I love to plan it, and I love to do the work.

But, right at this moment, I'm having a problem. See, it's not the projects that are the problem, it's the time management. I have three things going on at once, and in order for any of them to be finished, it involves the other two...
I am currently moving some rocks, from the side of the house, to the road to make some curved rock walls at the end of the driveway. So far, I have a pretty good start, and I like the way it looks... But, in order for those two curved walls to be finished, I need to dismantle another wall and use the rocks. Which is fine, but it will leave behind a messy area that will need to be taken care of with another style of rock that is currently stacked and waiting in another area of the yard.

I had loam delivered two weeks ago. I got it to spread and seed on an area of the front lawn that looks like it needs a glass of water and it's last rites from my priest. Before I can spread the loam though, I need to finish those two rock walls, reinforce one of them and build up the loam so I can relocate a garden that will sit behind one of the rock walls...

So you see, I have three things that go hand in hand that need to be done in succession. I also have some painting to do in the hallways. Ceiling to baseboard, the rooms need to be patched, sanded and then painted.

None of which is hard, I've done it all before - just trying to find the time and coordininate with the weather is what I am having trouble with. I think that sometimes just picking the place to start is hardest, so today I'll just make a move on something.

Today is nice, so I think I will tackle the rocks. It gives me some fresh air, the dogs love to be out there, and maybe I can finish at least ONE thing that will make me feel better about what I have gotten myself into.

I gotta get busy...

Rock on with your bad self,


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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and was distracted by my normal afternoon tasks, and when I realized what time it was, I only had 8 minutes to get to my appointment. I quickly grabbed the keys, shoved on my shoes and ran out the door. I flew down the driveway and spun out into the street...I didn't want to miss this appointment, it seemed like I had to wait for it forever! As I was speeding along, I was relieved and confident that I would make it on time, until I got behind this guy...

I swear he went for a walk and brought the truck. At first, I was OK, because I thought he'd turn the oppposite directon when we got to the next light.

He turned alright, but he turned in the direction that I was going! I dared a glance at the clock, and saw that I only had 4 minutes left to get to the Dr. and I was still about 10 minutes away!

I started yelling at him (like he could hear me) to get out of my way, I was late... MOVE I yelled! (And I swear he saw me in his rearview mirror and actually slowed down!) I was considering passing him, but the two lane road and flow of traffic wouldn't permit, so I was stuck. Stuck behind some jerk with no sense of direction, time or place - and he was making me late for an appointment that I desperatly needed to get to, and be there on time! Finally, we got to another light and I saw the blinker go on... THANK GOD he's turning the opposite way - I'm FREE!

Oh! What's this?? It must have been a mistake, because he switched blinkers and pulled back in front of me.

I couldn't believe my luck... I was almost there by now, and I could see the office, and before I even got to the building, I could see my parking spot where I would zip in, park and make a dash for the door and hope to salvage my appointment.

As I got to the next light, with my slow friend in front of me, I realized yet again that he was turning the same direction I was. I couldn't believe it, but didn't need to get my blood pressure up any higher.. I mean, come on, I am going to the Dr and they ALWAYS take that. I don't want them to know what a loser, road raging freak I am, so I just played it cool. The light turned, we turned, and then he kept turning... Right into the Dr. office parking lot and into the space I had picked out for myself. First he makes me late, and NOW he takes my space? What the heck?!

I parked quite a distance farther away than I had intended, and was indeed late getting to the office to check in. I had my 'excuse' all planned. I got behind some stupid jerk who wouldn't even drive the speed limit. In fact, he's so old I don't think he should even be driving! Yeah, that sounded pretty good. I'd laugh, they'd laugh and I'd get to keep my appointment no matter that I was almost 10 minutes late.

I stomped up to the door, grabbed the handle and was mentally prepared to offer up any suggestion, excuse or my first born in order to keep this appointment. Turns out, I didn't end up saying anything. The old man I was behind, yelling at the entire way to the office, was coming to have lunch with his son. Apparently, it was his birthday and they always have the same birthday lunch date together. Dad didn't want to miss out on lunch with his son, so he came early to sit and wait, so that after MY appointment, he could enjoy lunch with his son, my Dr.
Funny how things work out isn't it? So, from now on, I will plan to arrive early, so traffic won't bother me. If I am late, I won't get mad at other drivers. It's not their fault I left late. I won't get mad at myself. I will simply call ahead to my destination to announce that I will be late. I will accept it. What's done is done. I will choose to relax and enjoy the ride.
Lesson learned. Rock on.
** As a side note, my blood pressure was fine. Thanks for wondering.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

It was a monumental weekend at our house!


I celebrated ONE YEAR as a non-smoker!

A milestone I never thought I'd see, but am so happy to report that I made it! I would like to thank Geoff, my kids and all my friends for their help this past year. I couldn't have done nearly as well without you. I know you all appreciate my smoke-free lifestyle, as do I!


Geoffrey and I celebrated the 1 year mark in our relationship.

(Not a coincidence that I quit smoking at the same time. He was a big motivator in my decision making and sticking to it. Being able to smooch him on a regular basis; WOW, you gotta be kidding! I sure didn't have a hard time deciding! )


Caitlin and Akashia attended prom!

Caitlin is a senior, and Akashia is a junior. They both looked gorgeous! I swear those kids could wear a couple of bread bags, duct tape and a few dishtowels and they would look stunning. I love you two beauties!


Geoff and I replaced all but three of the windows on the first floor...

This was actually pretty fun. It happened a lot quicker than I thought it would. We started at 9AM, and at 4:30-ish we had showered, and cleaned up our entire mess. (We had a bunch of prom-goers set to arrive at 5PM!)

We took out all the old windows and carried them to the garage, sanded the sills and surrounding framework, added insulation and installed the new windows. For some reason, I thought it was going to be so hard, but it was easier than some of the recipes I cook! I did a lot of cleaning while Geoff did caulking and putting all the finishing touches on each window.

The dogs helped us quite a bit, they gave us something to trip over while we worked. As we were out taking a break before doing the last two windows, they watched us - and we laughed so hard looking at them because the way they popped up there was like looking at a puppet show! Crazy dogs!

Oh, and it was also Mother's day. That was the least exciting part I suppose... It just seemed like another day. No big deal. The kids made mention of it in passing, and Geoff got me a card.

Now, since I am in the home improvement mood, I am off to get blinds for the new windows, paint and rugs! No rest for the wicked!

Rock on with your bad self,


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I am NOT "that dad"!

My son Nicolas is 7 and is playing his first year of Little League...and being as objective as possible...the kid is a good little baseball player. He practices hard and plays hard...when he gets off the school bus in the afternoon he comes inside and within 60 seconds is asking me to play catch. The kid eats, sleeps, and lives baseball. I can't even begin to explain the joy I get from watching him play...and I couldn't be any prouder of him.

My oldest son, Jack, is also playing his first year of Little League...albeit with a little less enthusiasm. He likes playing baseball, but it certainly isn't his passion like it is for Nick. I'm thrilled that Jack decided to play baseball because he's really pushing outside of his comfort zone and showing some real growth. He's trying new things and finding out that he is good at other stuff besides art, science, and math. Again, I'm a proud dad...but Jack also has a ton of potential to be a pretty decent baseball player if he decides to work at it.

On Saturday they had their first game of the season.

As their Bench Coach I have a front row seat to the action. I also get to give them a last minute pep talk, or help them calm their nerves as they head to the plate. It's also an open invitation to stick my foot in my mouth and have other parents think I'm a terrible guy!

At the bottom of the 4th inning Nick was playing third base. He missed a line drive shot and the ball rolled to the outfield. The left fielder scooped up the ball and made a throw to third...but Nick was busy watching the runner advance and missed the throw, allowing the runner to score, and the ball rolled to where I was standing. Of course chaos ensued...the Manager was yelling to him, parents were screaming, kids were running...and poor Nick looked bewildered for a second.

I knew from practicing with him for hours that he knew exactly what to do in that situation, but somewhere in all the action he just lost his focus. Being competitive by nature, and having high, but reasonable, expectations of my son, I was a little too enthusiastic in lighting up his butt! I didn't realize it at the time, but my tone of voice was a little harsher than what I intended and the look on my face was obviously not that of a loving, caring dad.

While Nick was perfectly fine, and understood that I wasn't mad at him...some parents sitting outside the fence weren't quite so understanding! A couple of women in particular had a few choice words for me. Thank God my wife, and the Managers wife, were there and explained that Nick is my son, and that I'm not a fanatical tyrant out to embarrass and humiliate his son. It was also pointed out that Nick is one of the better players on the team with hopes of moving up to the next level of Little League next year, and will be expected to make plays just like that one.

Between innings my wife yelled over and jokingly told me to take it easy on the players. When I looked at her with that "Huh?" look on my face...she told me to chill out or some mom's were going to kick my butt! I still didn't understand what she was talking about...and that's when the other mom's chimed in to set me straight about being mean to my own kid!

I was shocked that they thought I was too hard on my son...and made a couple of jokes to let them know that I'm not "that guy"...but still, it certainly gave me a reason to pause and reflect.

After the game Nick and I talked about the play, and what happened afterward. He knew he'd missed the play, and didn't even realize that I had "chewed his butt" as someone put it.

So...if you have kids that play Little League, or any sport for that matter, be enthusiastic, be supportive, cheer and scream...but take it from me, be careful how you say what ever it is you say.

By the way, the Hollis Cardinals came back in the next inning...Nick hit a double to drive in a run and ended up scoring. Jack had a chance to hit the go ahead run, but struck out swinging to end the game 6-6.

The kids and the coaches wanted to go another inning, but the parents pulled rank and the first game is in the books! Go Cardinals!

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I love facebook!
It's my new favorite thing and consumer of all my spare time...
It's great to connect with old friends, make new ones, share photos, family updates and keep in touch.

But... One thing that is really starting to tick me off, are all those darn applications. I don't care to know what kind of color I am, what my soul animal is or who I am going to marry.

Honestly, is your life going to be altered if I don't accept your lil' blue cove ' fish'? Suddenly seeing my notification telling me there's a new update, gets me excited and then I find out that it's only because you've 'sent me a beautiful flower' . Dang! It's not even a REAL flower!
I don't care what your level is in Mob Wars. I don't want to join your sorority and since I don't work for TGIFriday's - I don't need any more pieces of flair. I don't want to play poker or have a snowball fight. I have two real pets and they're enough work, I don't need a virtual one, and could care less if you took yours for a walk.

So, please. If you're my friend, for crying out loud, stop sending me these applications! I won't miss them and you don't have to waste your time sitting around wondering if I've accepted your request to play 'Pirates: Rule the Caribbean', or look for any hidden easter eggs you may or may not have hidden somewhere on my page...

If you want to buy me a drink, then call me and invite me out, if you want to hug me, then just say so. But please, stop cluttering up my page with junk! We can still be friends, just don't send me every single thing you get your hands on. It gets old real quick.
Rock on with your bad self,

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Monday, May 4, 2009

It Could Be Worse

Monday's are always rough...but today was exceptionally so!

When the alarm sounded at 3 a.m. I drug myself to the bathroom, showered, got dressed, and then proceeded to smear toothpaste all over a new shirt! After a quick change it was downstairs where I spilled Crystal Light all over the kitchen floor. Then, thinking it could get no worse, I got to work and lost my cell phone.

Now if you know me at all...then you know that I can not function without my cell phone! I have to have it on my person, or within arms reach, at all times. Yes, I know it's odd...but I hate feeling out of touch.

So imagine my panic when I walked into the FRANK studio at 5 a.m. and realized my BlackBerry wasn't in my pocket...or in my car. I frantically checked my office TWICE...and finally on the third attempt...found it on the floor under my desk! Whew...disaster diverted!

Things finally calmed down and I was able to get through the show without further incident. By 9:15 I was thinking that the Monday Curse had to be behind me...little did I know that fate had another plan.

As I walked out of the building, toward my car...I was bombed by a kamikaze seagull!

Luckily my reflexes were sharp enough to avoid his payload, and I ducked inside the car just as it splattered all over the drivers side door and windshield!

I quickly rolled down my window and shouted, "HA! Missed me!"

People on the sidewalk stopped and looked at me as if I'd lost my mind. And ya know what? I couldn't care less what they had to say...because I know the day could have gotten a whole lot worse if I had been a little slower or that gull had better aim!

Score one for me!

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A milestone quickly approaches...

OMG! in less than 7 days, I will have been smoke free for a full year!

I never thought the day would come that I'd be able to give it up, but it did. May 10th, 2008 was my magic day. Now, almost a year later I am still goin strong, happy and glad to be where I am. I think its cause to celebrate! Maybe throw a party. Any reason for cake right?

Yeah, I still think about it. But then I think about how much better off I am now.

Every day 100,000 people around the world stop smoking. Half of the people who smoke will be killed by their habit - for every person that smokes forty a day and is still going strong at the age of 60, there is another person who died of lung cancer at 50, or had a disabling heart attack at 45.

But, it's not all doom and gloom! As soon as you stop smoking, your health will start to benefit. Within a few days, your blood pressure and heart rate will return to normal, the nicotine will be removed from your body and your breathing will improve. Within as little as 6 months, your risk of heart attack, lung cancer and other smoking related diseases will start to fall.

And here's another thing...if you think all you're getting is tobacco, you better think again.

These are just some of the chemicals found in cigarette smoke.

Acetone - nail polish remover
Acetic Acid - vinegar
Aluminium - metal
Ammonia - used in toilet cleaner
Arsenic - rat poison
Benzene - industrial solvent
Benzoapyrene - diesel exhaust fume
Butane - cigarette lighter fluid
Cadmium - rechargeable batteries
Copper - electric wiring
DDT - insecticide
Dieldrin - insecticide
Ethanol - used in anti-freeze
Formaldehyde - preservative for dead bodies, wood, and fabrics
Hexamine - barbecue lighter
Hydrogen cyanide - an industrial pollutant
(also used in America for executions in poison gas chambers)
Lead - fishing weights
Magnesium - flares
Methane - gas created by decomposing rubbish
Methanol - rocket and car fuel
Naphthalene - moth balls
Nitrobenzene - petrol additive
Nitrous Oxide Phenols - disinfectant
Polonium 210 - radioactive compound
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) - a cancer-causing chemical also found in diesel exhaust and other combustion products
Silicon - computer chips & non-stick frying pans
Silver - jewellery
Stearic Acid - found in candle wax
Titanium - metal
Toluene - industrial solvent
Vinyl Chloride - raw material to make plastic
Zinc - used to make galvanised steel

I don't know anyone who'd like a mouthful of anything on that list!

I've said it before and I will say it again...QUIT. Use whatever means you have to, patches, gum, acupuncture, hypnosis - anything! No, it's not easy, I won't delude you; but you don't have to do it alone.

"You don't actually smoke. The cigarette does all the smoking, you are just the sucker!"

Rock on with your bad self and good luck quitting! I'll help you celebrate!


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