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Friday, June 5, 2009

Please Keep Your Nose In Your Own Business

Yesterday afternoon I picked my kids up from school instead of having them ride the bus. I wanted to take them with me to buy rabbit and guinea pig food at an Ag store close to our house.

When we pulled into the parking lot I pointed out a hutch full of baby bunnies. They ran over to fawn over the rabbits while I went inside and got the food. While inside I noticed a tub full of baby chicks, and a tub full of baby ducks...something I knew they would both love to see.

As they excitedly hovered around the chicks, they asked if I would buy them a baby chicken or a baby duck.

Now everyone knows that I love animals...after all, we have two dogs, five cats, the guinea pig, and the rabbit. In my opinion that's enough...I'm not running the Maine Wildlife Park.

But you know kids...when I said "No," I was met with the famous last words: "Dad, we'll take care of them." Ummmm....yeah. I've heard that before. Ask me who cleans the litter box, takes the dogs out for a walk, and makes sure they all have food and water. Of course you know the wife! Just kidding...the real answer is my wife and me with help from the kids!

Anyway, as the kids began their full-on assault a lady walked by, heard the kids, then looked at me and said "Those chickens don't eat much." To which I replied, "That's not the issue." And as if she didn't even hear me, said, "Well what's wrong with them having a duck? Why don't you buy your kids a pet?"

Before I could even open my mouth to answer, a dog ran up to Jack, and he said, "Oh look Nick...a dog."

A split second later, the woman turned toward me, glared, and said, "For God's sake. Are you telling me these kids don't even have a dog?"

"Yes they have a dog. As a matter of fact they have two dogs" I replied.

"Oh," she said. "Well you should buy them a chicken and then you could have fresh eggs."

I said, "Eggs are nice. Fried chicken is better!"

You should have seen the look on her was classic! She was appalled and I was so amused at myself that I laughed out loud! I love it when that happens.

The boys and I jumped in the car and went home...without a chicken or a duck. And guess what...they didn't say another word about getting a chicken the rest of the night.

However, they didn't really want to have dinner at KFC either. Me on the other hand...well I love the 2 piece meal deal!

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