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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and was distracted by my normal afternoon tasks, and when I realized what time it was, I only had 8 minutes to get to my appointment. I quickly grabbed the keys, shoved on my shoes and ran out the door. I flew down the driveway and spun out into the street...I didn't want to miss this appointment, it seemed like I had to wait for it forever! As I was speeding along, I was relieved and confident that I would make it on time, until I got behind this guy...

I swear he went for a walk and brought the truck. At first, I was OK, because I thought he'd turn the oppposite directon when we got to the next light.

He turned alright, but he turned in the direction that I was going! I dared a glance at the clock, and saw that I only had 4 minutes left to get to the Dr. and I was still about 10 minutes away!

I started yelling at him (like he could hear me) to get out of my way, I was late... MOVE I yelled! (And I swear he saw me in his rearview mirror and actually slowed down!) I was considering passing him, but the two lane road and flow of traffic wouldn't permit, so I was stuck. Stuck behind some jerk with no sense of direction, time or place - and he was making me late for an appointment that I desperatly needed to get to, and be there on time! Finally, we got to another light and I saw the blinker go on... THANK GOD he's turning the opposite way - I'm FREE!

Oh! What's this?? It must have been a mistake, because he switched blinkers and pulled back in front of me.

I couldn't believe my luck... I was almost there by now, and I could see the office, and before I even got to the building, I could see my parking spot where I would zip in, park and make a dash for the door and hope to salvage my appointment.

As I got to the next light, with my slow friend in front of me, I realized yet again that he was turning the same direction I was. I couldn't believe it, but didn't need to get my blood pressure up any higher.. I mean, come on, I am going to the Dr and they ALWAYS take that. I don't want them to know what a loser, road raging freak I am, so I just played it cool. The light turned, we turned, and then he kept turning... Right into the Dr. office parking lot and into the space I had picked out for myself. First he makes me late, and NOW he takes my space? What the heck?!

I parked quite a distance farther away than I had intended, and was indeed late getting to the office to check in. I had my 'excuse' all planned. I got behind some stupid jerk who wouldn't even drive the speed limit. In fact, he's so old I don't think he should even be driving! Yeah, that sounded pretty good. I'd laugh, they'd laugh and I'd get to keep my appointment no matter that I was almost 10 minutes late.

I stomped up to the door, grabbed the handle and was mentally prepared to offer up any suggestion, excuse or my first born in order to keep this appointment. Turns out, I didn't end up saying anything. The old man I was behind, yelling at the entire way to the office, was coming to have lunch with his son. Apparently, it was his birthday and they always have the same birthday lunch date together. Dad didn't want to miss out on lunch with his son, so he came early to sit and wait, so that after MY appointment, he could enjoy lunch with his son, my Dr.
Funny how things work out isn't it? So, from now on, I will plan to arrive early, so traffic won't bother me. If I am late, I won't get mad at other drivers. It's not their fault I left late. I won't get mad at myself. I will simply call ahead to my destination to announce that I will be late. I will accept it. What's done is done. I will choose to relax and enjoy the ride.
Lesson learned. Rock on.
** As a side note, my blood pressure was fine. Thanks for wondering.

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