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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I love facebook!
It's my new favorite thing and consumer of all my spare time...
It's great to connect with old friends, make new ones, share photos, family updates and keep in touch.

But... One thing that is really starting to tick me off, are all those darn applications. I don't care to know what kind of color I am, what my soul animal is or who I am going to marry.

Honestly, is your life going to be altered if I don't accept your lil' blue cove ' fish'? Suddenly seeing my notification telling me there's a new update, gets me excited and then I find out that it's only because you've 'sent me a beautiful flower' . Dang! It's not even a REAL flower!
I don't care what your level is in Mob Wars. I don't want to join your sorority and since I don't work for TGIFriday's - I don't need any more pieces of flair. I don't want to play poker or have a snowball fight. I have two real pets and they're enough work, I don't need a virtual one, and could care less if you took yours for a walk.

So, please. If you're my friend, for crying out loud, stop sending me these applications! I won't miss them and you don't have to waste your time sitting around wondering if I've accepted your request to play 'Pirates: Rule the Caribbean', or look for any hidden easter eggs you may or may not have hidden somewhere on my page...

If you want to buy me a drink, then call me and invite me out, if you want to hug me, then just say so. But please, stop cluttering up my page with junk! We can still be friends, just don't send me every single thing you get your hands on. It gets old real quick.
Rock on with your bad self,

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