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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Vacation Mode...

In about 24 hours I'll be on a plane headed to California for a couple of weeks of much needed vacation. The last time I took more than a 3 day weekend was back at I'm ready for a little time off to recharge.

The problem is that while you're supposed to rest, relax, and re-charge on vacation...the majority of us do just the opposite. Oh sure we may sleep an hour or two later in the morning...but we also tend to stay up a couple of hours later too! And of course we try to cram as much fun as we can muster into every hour of the day...which in the end means we come back to work just as tired as when we left...and in some cases, a little worse off than before we left!

I think it's because as Americans we don't know how to vacation. The Europeans do it SO much better than we do. First off, they call their time off "holiday." As in, "Oh we'll be going to the South of France on holiday this August."

The second reason they do vacations better than us is because they take an entire month off...usually August. Here in the States we're lucky if we take a full week off at one time, let alone an entire month.

This vacation is the longest one I've taken in over 15 years. When I first joined the United States Air Force I took a full 30 days leave to come back home from my assignment in Spain. Since more than 5 days at a time.

Maybe it's our work ethic, maybe we're scared the boss will realize they can do the job without us and we'll come home and find we 're now on an unplanned, extended vacation! Who knows...but I think we'd have less stress at work, fewer sick days, and be more productive if we all took a full two weeks of vacation each year...and that means really taking some down time for ourselves.

But honestly...I probably won't practice what I'm preaching! We've already got tickets for Disneyland, plans to see the Sacramento River Cats play a baseball game, tickets for a Boz Scaggs concert, a quick trip to San Francisco, and even a wedding to attend!

It sounds like a full slate, huh? Then I hope you'll excuse me for keeping this short...I think I better go get a nap!

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What Kinf of Tipper Are You?

Society dictates that we tip certain professions. I'm cool with that....IF you're the waiter or waitress at the restaurant or the person that cuts my hair. Other than might be hard pressed to get me to part with my money.

It actually aggrivates me when people expect to be tipped outside of those professions. If you want to tip the oil delivery guy, the paper delivery person, or the mail carrier at the holidays...that's cool.

But when did the person working the drive-thru at a fast food joint get the idea that we're supposed to tip THEM? Sorry...but I can't find the memo on that one. Maybe the e-mail telling me to give them the change from $5 on a $3.09 bill got sent to my Bulk Mail folder...hmm...nope...can't find it.

The part that bugs me the most is this: I sat there waiting for my change as he pretended not to notice that I was still there. Then, as if he just discovered the drive-thru had a window, he poked his head out and said, "Did you need your change?"

I swear I almost climbed out of my window and through his just so I could throw down some WWE move on his butt! Oh man was I hot!

Doing my best to stay calm, I took a breath, smiled, and simply replied, "Yes please."

Of course he gave me a look like I was the most disgusting, vile person he had ever met.

For a second I was worried he'd run back and spit on my food...but the saving grace was that I had sat there waiting for my change for so long that one of the other employee's was actually hanging out of the pick-up window looking to see where I was!

After reflecting upon all of this I've decided that I'll review my tipping policy...perhaps increase the amount I give up for great service at the places I frequent and for those that provide an invaluable service.

If you work in the service career field...thanks for all you do.

I happened to run across this while on line this morning...I thought it was kind of fitting. Enjoy.

The standard gratuity may be 15-20 percent. But according to one expert (Steve Dublanica), there are all sorts of tippers out there.

Which kind are you?

The verbal tipper: "Heavy on praise, cheap with the cash."

The Accountant: "If forced to split a check of $100.01 between two credit cards, one guy will
tip $7.50 and the other will tip $7.49."

The Flat Tipper: "You could spill hot soup on their baby or treat them like the Sultan of Brunei, they'll always tip you 15 percent."

The Sugar Daddy: "Out-of-shape wealthy Lotharios who try securing sexual favors from waitresses by giving them embarrassingly large tips."

The 10 Percenter: "Usually senior citizens."

The Foreigner: "Customers who come from other countries and feign ignorance about American tipping customs, so they can save a few bucks."

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm a Junkie

I'm a news and entertainment junkie.

I love sitting and watching CNN, ESPN SportsCenter, Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, FOX name it...if it covers current events I'm all over it like a teenager on a Wii!

A lot of the things that I watch on those shows gets discussed on the show each morning, while others don't because of time, subject matter, or because it's not mass appeal enough. So I thought I'd take a few minutes and discuss some of those things here on the blog.

First off...The Rolling Stones just signed a long-term contract with a new record label. That's obviously not a story you'll see Tori Ryden lead with tonight on News 8 WMTW. However, around Frank-FM it's been a big topic of discussion.

Mick Jagger is 65. Keith Richards is 64. Charlie Watts is 67. Ronnie Wood is 61.

I can't believe the words "long term" come up in conversation about any of the Rolling Stones...unless we're talking about long term health care!

Another thing that got my attention yesterday was the news about the family that had Extreme Makover demolish their nasty old house and replace it with a mini-mansion back in having their dream home put up for auction because they can't pay the mortgage.

Besides a luxury home, they were also provided with $250,000, including scholarships for their 3 kids, and a home maintenance fund.

So where did all the money go? Well I'm assuming it went for more than extra cheese on a couple of pizza's last Friday night! Reports say they used the home as collateral for a $450,000 loan to start a construction business that failed.

I don't want to judge them, but can you imagine someone GIVING you a brand new home, college scholarships for your kids, money to keep up the house, and $250K? How do you mess that up?

NFL training camps opened this week. This is the time of year that I live for...I LOVE the NFL. Obviously I'm interested to see how former NY Jet and Oakland Raider running-back Lamont Jordan will fit-in on the Pat's squad...

But the BIG news is the return of Packers QB Brett Favre.

Brett retired back in April...

Now he wants to play again...

The Pack...not so interested! They've moved on, but they don't want Brett to move on...they'd prefer he just stay down on the farm in Mississsippi.

Have you ever been to Mississippi? ya know why Brett wants to return to Green Bay!

Anyway...enough already. The Pack should let him go play someplace else...other than the NFC North...and Brett should make sure that next time he says he's done...he's really done!

Here's a question for you...are you sick and tired of the Presidential election yet? I try to never get too deep into discussing politics for the obvious reasons. But unless they have something new to report I wish CNN and FOX would find something else to discuss.

And here's a tip for Obama and McCain...pick a VP already! Let us know who they the TV know-it-all's can sit around and pick them apart for a while. It serves two gets them to stop talking about you so much...and give us a chance to sort through the dirty laundry of your VP!

OK...that's it for now...I gotta get to the TV for late-breaking news! There has just been an earthquake in southern California...5.8 in the Richter scale...

Since I'm going to Disneyland for vacation on Friday, I need to find out if Mickey and Minnie still have a house...

See ya in the morning.

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What a waste!

I read a news story this morning that really got me thinking. It was about a young woman who at the tender age of 24 has early stage emphysema. She has drug and alcohol problems beyond measure. Her husband is in jail and perhaps that is the best place for him. The story was about Amy Winehouse.

It tears me up to no end to know that this beautiful young woman could already be in the end years of her life, and it is really just beginning! I heard her voice on the radio and was instantly captivated by it. She has the capacity, in my opinion, to be legendary.

I don't know if she could ever rank up with the likes of Ertha Kitt

Ella Fitzgerald

Billie Holiday

Or the one and only Etta James... ( God I love her.... )

But Amy has the potential for greatness. I don't know if she's angry, misunderstood or simply doesn't care about herself. It's a shame to think that instead of her ending up like these beautiful women who came before her, she could end up like so many others who have let their success go to their heads and get the best of them.

Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe, Janice Joplin, Beverly Kenney, Carole Landis, and the list goes on and on. I hope that she eventually says "Yes" to some rehab - it would be a shame to waste such talent on death.

Rock on with your bad self,


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Monday, July 28, 2008

Love At First Sight

According to the Lewiston Sun Journal an Auburn couple, Tracie Weston and Clayton Morse, got married on Thursday at the Lewiston Bus Station.

I can almost imagine the movie of their lives playing on the big screen at the Saco Cinemagic...the camera pulls back from the hazy exhaust of a Greyhound bus, our groom-to-be dressed in his Sunday best, hair coiffed to perfection...searching the curb for his beloved fiance.

Suddenly, he spots her next to the candy machine...a Baby Ruth in her hand...the same hand that he'll hopefully hold for the rest of his life.

As their eyes meet across the busy parking lot, the music begins to play softly in the background. They run to each other...careful to avoid being struck by a fast moving bus, or to trip over a stray piece of luggage...finally, they come together as one...embracing, pausing to look deeply into each others eyes.

It's then that Clayton notices the time on his watch and realizes that they'd better hurry before the 11:15 to Augusta arrives and the lobby is full of strangers. The happy couple race inside...and there behind the glass of the ticket window...the very same ticket window where he met Tracie just 50 some odd days ago...stands the minister/bus terminal PA announcer...ready to join them in holy matrimony.

As people stumble off an inbound bus from Portland, and others sit around waiting to leave...the love birds take their vows...for what they each pray will be the very last time!

We cut to the end of the ceremony...the new husband and wife introduced over the station PA. As they head out the door and board the next bus to Happily Ever After, the camera pans the crowded lobby of well-wishers...some with that far away look of love in their eyes, others look on with amusement, while a couple of old guys just look like they need to find a toilet.

The newlywed's jump aboard their Greyhound carriage and ride away into the sunset...eternally blissful and deeply in love. maybe I made most of that mom always said I had a vivid imagination as a kid. I suppose some things never change!

At least the first sentence was true...Tracie and Clayton did get married last week at the Lewiston bus station. Here's the real story...

Clayton went to the bus station to buy a ticket to Arizona. As fate would have it, Tracie was behind the counter that day and sold him the ticket. They started up a conversation...and all the way to Arizona, Clayton couldn't get Tracie off his mind.

I guess that's sort of the same feeling I get when I know there's a box of donuts in the house...I just can't stop thinking about them! Alright, so maybe it's a little different...but you know what I'm saying!

While suffering the heat of Arizona, Clayton was busy burning up the phone back to Maine, talking to Tracie.

I'm not sure if he used some lame excuse like, "Hey, I was wondering...did I leave my Red Sox hat at the counter that day I bought the ticket? It's no big deal...I can pick up another one....but I'm kinda attached to that one 'cause I was wearing it back in '04 when they won the Series."

Or maybe he just called up and said, "Tracie, I can't get you off my mind. You might be the hottest chick I've ever seen working at a bus station ticket window in my life. Would you like to go bowling when I come home?"

However the conversation went, the two started dating as soon as Clayton got home to Maine. Now these must have been Red Bull fueled dates because these two were so hyped up that they said their "I do's" just 50 days after that first meeting at the bus station!

Now far be it from me to shun true love...after all, my 10 year wedding anniversary to my long-suffering wife is this Friday. What kind of makes me scoff a bit is the fact that these two have each been married a couple of times you'd think they'd know better!

What's the rush...where's the fire...slow down a little...walk before you run...heck try crawling before you run!

Maybe I'm being a bit cynical...or maybe I just don't believe in love at first sight...LUST at first sight YES...especially if it's Megan Fox!

Love? I think that love is a little more elusive...but hey, what do I know? As long as they're happy...then that's all that's important...and I wish them well.

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Together, we can save a life!

The American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief and education inside the United States. In addition to domestic disaster relief, the American Red Cross offers services in five other areas: community services that help the needy; communications services and comfort for military members and their family members; the collection, processing and distribution of blood and blood products; educational programs on health and safety; and international relief and development programs.

Now, maybe you already knew that, maybe you didn't. I didn't know that back in high school when I became a blood donor. Having my aunt Jean tell me about the American Red Cross one afternoon after she came to visit after being to a 'blood drive' is what made me decide to become a blood donor. Since I couldn't travel the world saving lives, I figured I could do the next best thing and donate a pint of my life every 8 weeks or so.

I saved a life last week, when I visited the donor center on Forest Ave.

They have the place looking festive, and they're helpful and very nice. I made a new friend, her name is Marcie, and she is just great. We laughed and had a great time. I don't mind having a needle stuck in my arm, but I hate the finger stick! I know they have to test the iron, and Marcie seeing my anxiety about this little thing, actually told me a joke to make me relax!

After finding out that my iron was fine, I got to finish up the paperwork and take a short test regarding medications I've taken, countries I've visited/lived in and once I was done with that, I got to proceed out to the donor area and wait for a 'bed'. I was looking forward to this, because it meant I could lay down. I was tired...

I was looking forward to having a nice little nap on the comfy bed. No such luck. I was distracted by the smell of fresh baked cookies... Uh, excuse me... How long has it been since I donated blood? Since when did they start making cookies here??? Last time I was here, I got a bottle of water and a package of Lorna Doones... These were no Lorna Doones I was smelling now. I started looking around for Mrs. Claus, my Grandmother, or Martha Stewart. Holy cow, get me off this table and lemme find whoever is cooking up that delicious smelling treat!

I finished filling my pint bag in no time flat (I think even my blood was ready for a cookie) and was escorted to the snack area to rest for 15 minutes. A sweet young man named Mario (who looked to me like a dead ringer for Dustin Pedroia) gave me my napkin with my time to leave, asked what I'd like for a beverage and gave me a cookie. Finally! A cookie! It had just come out of the oven, and was still soft, hot and I just knew it would fall apart if I picked it up.

I was so tempted... It looked so good, and I had been smelling it for what seemed like forever!

Since they didn't have any milk to go with this delicious piece of heaven they'd offered me, I selected OJ. Finally, juice half gone and cookie cooled enough to pick up, I brought it to my nose and smelled that wonderful aroma that I remember from childhood. Ahhh.... Nothing like the smell of freshly baked cookies. Unless it is bread or cake! I put the cookie to my lips and took a bite. Ah.. UG! Wait!! This cookie has RAISINS in it! EEWWWWW!!! I HATE RAISINS!

Thankfully the cookie was still warm enough for me to pick them out easily, but my experience was ruined. I was not happy about the cookie any more. I wrapped up the dried grapes in my napkin that 'Dustin/Mario' had written my time on, drank my juice and looked around to see if anyone else had eaten their raisin cookie. They had. I was apparently the only one at the table who didn't like raisins.

Well, I don't know if this one girl did or not. She didn't get to eat her cookie. She felt a little ill, and had to go lay back down. She was better by the time I left, but she had to start her 15 minutes over. She hadn't eaten or had anything to drink all day, and that is a BIG NO NO!

Something important to remember...

1. Eat and drink throughout the day. Don't show up on an empty stomach and expect not to be sick. (And eating means more than licking a yellow skittle, and peeling a grape.)

2. Ask for Marcie - she's great. I promise you'll love her.

3. Eat the cookie whether or not you like raisins. It's really the only place a complete stranger s is going to actually BAKE a cookie for you and give it to you for FREE. ( and you can trust them)

4. Donate regularly! (my next eligible date is 9/18/08 - hope to see you there!)

*The American Red Cross supplies roughly 44% of the donated blood in the United States

*Annually, the American Red Cross teaches around 12 million Americans the skills of first aid, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Automated external defibrillator (AED), water safety and lifeguard training.

*Each year, the American Red Cross responds immediately to more than 70,000 disasters, including house or apartment fires (the majority of disaster responses), hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hazardous materials spills, transportation accidents, explosions, and other natural and man-made disasters.

For more information on the American Red Cross please go to

Rock on with your bad self,


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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Observations at the Water Park

After nearly two weeks of rain and thunderstorms, the sun finally decided to make an appearance on Friday.

To celebrate this rare July occurrence my two sons and I made a much anticipated trip to Fun Town/Splash Town. From high noon until 6 pm we rode every water ride in the park...except for the Tornado...which my youngest, Nick, wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with. Maybe it was because while riding the Mammoth, our raft spun around and had him shooting through the water backward and in the dark...or maybe it was because his older brother and I were screaming like banshee's when we shot out at the end of the ride drenched from head to foot.

Despite not conquering the Tornado...we had an exciting day, full of fun at both parks.

Going to a water park is a great place to observe people...but sometimes you see more than you really should...for example, the guy with a misspelled tattoo...or the old dude in the Speedo trying to pick up women half his age...and the well-endowed woman wearing a bikini top that left virtually nothing to the imagination.

Then, there's the "too cool" for the pool teenagers. You know the type...the ones with the bored to tears look on their faces...texting their friends about how cool they are...and how uncool it is to be hanging out with their family at a water park!

The most fun to watch is the new parents. You can spot them every time...because they have one of two looks on their face...sheer panic or permanent smile.

The ones with horror written across their face are mostly new mom's...grimacing because of what the new dad was doing with the baby! Dad is tossing the baby up in the air, letting it splash into the pool...or flying the baby around like an airplane, and then dipping it head first into the pool and out again! Both the dad and the baby laughing like crazy...the mom looks like she needs either a paramedic or a scotch on the rocks!

While all of those are the fun things about people watching...I also noticed one thing that disturbed me...a lot!

Now please don't mistake this for's simply an observation...but one I think we should all be concerned with because it's quickly turning into an epidemic in our country...and it's one that we all have the ability to control...childhood obesity.

I can't begin to tell you how many obese kids I saw while at the water park. They came in all ages, sexes, and color. It truly shocked me...and honestly, saddened me. Overweight adults is one thing...that's a decision they've made...but kids? No. They are a product of their parents or the adults in their lives...they don't have a choice.

Without getting on a soap-box and preaching...I just want to provide you with some statistics that I found online:

In 2002, data showed that 15% of children and teens are considered overweight, a tripling since 1980. An additional 15% of kids and teens are considered "at risk" for becoming overweight.

It's estimated that about half of overweight school-agers and 70% of overweight teens will remain obese into adulthood.

According to a study of national costs attributed to being overweight...medical expenses accounted for 9.1 percent of total U.S. medical expenditures in 1998 and may have reached as high as $78.5 billion ($92.6 billion in 2002 dollars) Approximately half of these costs were paid by Medicaid and Medicare.

From the office of the US Surgeon General: 300,000 deaths each year in the United States are associated with obesity. Overweight and obesity are associated with heart disease, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis, breathing problems, and psychological disorders, such as depression. The economic cost of obesity in the United States was about $117 billion in 2000.

For each individual, body weight is the result of a combination of genetic, metabolic, behavioral, environmental, cultural, and socioeconomic influences. Behavioral and environmental factors are large contributors to overweight and obesity and provide the greatest opportunity for actions and interventions designed for prevention and treatment.

It just might be time to stop spending money on the new Wii and instead, buy kids a bike. Turn off the TV and go swimming at the YMCA. Put down the cookies and pick up an apple.

Kid's need the chance to make decisions...however, what they eat isn't one of them...unless the options are healthy or healthier!

They're kids...WE cook for THEM. WE decide what they eat...NOT them. Does that mean a pizza is out of the question on Friday night? No. it just means that on the other nights of the week they get well balanced meals that don't include soda and french fries.

We are creating a nation of kids that will grow up with poor eating habits, greater health risks, and poor decision making skills. You and I can stop childhood obesity in its tracks...we just have to get involved and make healthy choices for ourselves...but most importantly for our kids.

Now enough being serious...go back to thinking about that old guy in the Speedo that I wrote about a few paragraphs ago!

On second thought...maybe not!

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Be Real

So...Here is what I want to know. What makes this attractive? Who said so? Who thinks so?

(besides these two friggin idiots.) This is apparently called a 'spray on tan'. I saw two kids like this at the mall today. They gotta be from out of state or something. Please tell me they're from out of state. This is PORTLAND MAINE people. It isn't South Beach or LA. Heck, we're not even close to the Jersey Shore... Do these two morons think that the ladies in this photo are totally diggin on them or what? I would guess not, but I can't tell. Kids these days have just one look for every mood. Not like when I was a kid. I smiled when I was happy and frowned when I was sad. When I was angry it was obvious and I didn't sulk without getting a backhand to the head.

But, back to the tanning thing... I suppose a spray on tan is better than the alternative of laying out all the time and ending up like this...

Where are all the real people? Between fake boobs, fake lips, fake hair and the apparently popular spray on tan - how are we supposed to tell what's real and what's not anymore? Is everyone so darn obsessed with their appearances and being perfect, that they're ashamed to look like the Good Lord intended them to look?

Now I am just cross.

Rock on with your bad selves...


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I have NO idea who these two dorks are...but I kinda like the guy playing The Joker!!! I hope you have as much fun watching this as we had making it!


Thanks to One Stop Party Shop, 262 Main St. in South Portland for providing us with the Batman mask.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tim the Tool Man I Ain't!

As hard as it is to admit...I'm not a "fix-it" guy. No matter how many re-runs of Home Improvement I watch...nothing seems to help.

Plumbing, carpentry, electric...if it needs fixed the only thing I know how to do is make a phone them the problem...get out of the way...and write a check!

Now if you need to know what website has the latest entertainment news...or you need an update on the New England Patriots backfield...or wanna find out where Clapton is playing his next concert...then I'm your guy!

We all have our own skill set...unfortunately mine doesn't include knowing my way around a tool box! In a way I'm a little jealous of all those "fix it" guys with their cool tool belts, and that big ring of keys hanging off their pants...however, the fact that their pants are usually hanging so low that I can see a little crack does take away from the mystic...just a little!

My lack of home repair skills came was magnified tenfold yesterday when I had to call an electrician to the house.

Charmen turned on a lamp...and immediately the entire house went dark! Of course everyone turned to me and asked in unison, "What happened?"


How am I supposed to know? I'm not a "fix it" guy! Why doesn't someone ask me if I know the run time on Don't Fear The Reaper? I can answer that!

So off to the basement I marched...down the stairs in the dark...praying to God that the kids didn't leave something on the steps or that a cat doesn't run between my legs. Oh...and if you're wondering why I didn't take a flashlight...I'll just remind you that I have a 6 and an 8 year old...batteries last about 12 minutes in my house!

So I groped my way to the fuse box, flipped the breaker...and magic...lights!


Ooops! Maybe not. The power went out again.

Now if I was a "fix it"guy I would have know right then that I had bigger problems than no batteries for the flashlight....but since I'm more inclined to tell you where to find the Vern Troyer sex tape on line...I didn't have a clue.

I just kept flipping that breaker, praying for a miracle...gauging my success by the cheers or the boos coming from the living room!

Finally, after hearing my oldest son say, "Mom...Dad doesn't know what he's doing"...I resigned myself to the cold hard truth...I was defeated.

The climb up the dark staircase was the longest walk of my life...not only did I know that I wasn't a "fix it" guy with a cool tool my kids knew too. It wouldn't be long until the entire neighborhood heard the news...

I could almost hear them whispering to one another about me...mumbling under their breath...smirking...rushing their children into the house whenever I threw up my hand in greeting.

My wife would be longer invited to the Tupperware party, or invited on the neighborhood walk on Sunday evenings. My kids would get beat up and longer invited to pool parties, or play dates, no more neighborhood kids crowding around my TV watching Chowder...

Hey, hang on a second...maybe this has an upside after all!!

Anyway, I had to call an electrician. He came to the house and immediately knew what the problem was...thank God he's a family friend so he didn't rake me over the coals on the price. And while I was kinda bummed that I'm not a "fix it" guy...he was pretty happy for the opportunity to make some extra cash. My wife was just happy the light would be back on sometime this year.

And my kids? Well, even though their dad doesn't always know what he's doing...he still knows his way to Big Daddy's for ice cream...and that always makes me cool...until the next time something needs fixed!

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Should she be worried??

OK, so today, we got an ask Heidi from 'Candice'.

'Candice' has a stay at home husband, who also takes care of their children. Her husband, takes the kids to play dates and parks, and is continually surrounded by women. (And, to hear 'Candice' tell it, these women are none to happy with their husbands, but they adore hers!)

Now, Bill and I are limited as to what we can say on-air, because we have time constraints. We do not always get to say all we'd like and that is where my new friend BLOG comes in handy...
I shall now finish what I would have said this morning on the subject, if I would have had the time.

First of all, 'Candice', friggin relax.

There could be a number of things going on here. I hope you've thought them all through before consulting me, a lowly radio co-host. If not, and you're counting on me to pull you through this tight spot - then I shall do my absolute best to give an honest opinion. Or at the very least what I would do, if I were you. Fair Enough?

You work, and your husband stays home.

When this was first discussed (and it should have been discussed) was the topic of him being at the park with the kids (other kids, and those kids' mothers) a concern?

Have you considered that perhaps these other women are finding things attractive about your husband because he truly represents those qualities?

Meaning, did you fall in love with him for his sense of humor, and now realize that these other soccer moms find him funny? Haven't you always admired the way he gives his full attention to you when you're speaking to him? Why wouldn't someone else's wife appreciate that too? Hummm... Maybe you're feeling a tad jealous, because he is just being true to self. Does this make you realize at all how good you really do have it? Or do you insist upon being jealous?

Do you suspect he is feeling the same enjoyment from these women? Do you suppose they sit all day and commiserate on their relationships? Do you even suggest by asking for my advice here that he may be showing you in a negative light to these women, merely because he comes home and tells you how much they hate their husbands and how miserable they are? Come on girlfriend, get a friggin clue!
I shouldn't be the one to tell you this there 'Candice', but, uh... MEN AREN'T WOMEN! OK? They don't think like us, they don't talk like us, they don't share feelings like us, they will never, I repeat, NEVER be one of us. These soccer moms can sit all day long and tell your husband whatever they please. He will remember about 1/8 of what she said. Men don't have the capacity to hold details like women do when it comes to this stuff. If it doesn't directly involve them, meaning if they're not eating it, drinking it, or sleeping with it, (yes I actually said 'it') he doesn't really pay all that close attention. Now, if you want to 'talk shop', sports, music, beer or dirty jokes, or about flatulence, then he's all ears. I would have thought with your education, you'd have realized this by now. How old did you say your kids were??

Now, that being said, I will admit that there are sensitive men who have an uncanny ability to communicate with a woman in a way that makes sense to her. There are men who excel at communication in some way, shape or form. Perhaps, you have such a husband. These men seem like a Godsend to a woman who's had a difficult relationship. It sure sounds to me like your husband is a good communicator, because he is telling you about all the things he does. (lets not forget he has the children with him too)

Don't get me wrong, we did get an email from a woman in Biddeford this morning who said this same thing happened to her and after 6 months she was in divorce court. I am sorry to hear that. But, again, I have to say - and I honestly never thought I would hear myself say it......
Not all men are pigs. WHEW. That was tough. LOL
Anyway, my whole point here is that if you have a good relationship with the man you married, you should be trusting enough to know that he loves you. I am not saying that you can't ever have concerns, or that you shouldn't bring them up. Do! Talk about them! Don't jump to conclusions, don't assume, and don't point fingers. (FYI- if you do point a finger at a man, he may try to pull it, thinking you have to fart. Just a heads up.)

Communicate, communicate, communicate!

'Candice', if you don't disclose your fears, concerns or thoughts with the one you claim to love over all others, then who can you tell really?
Someone down at the park, who isn't going to be thinking of you when you really need them to? Someone from the soccer game who doesn't really remember your last name?
No way! The folks at the park get the talk about what's good on TV. Who is playing the RedSox this weekend or did you see that article in the paper about the new such and such they're building downtown? Sharing what your scared about, what you dream about and what you think about during the day, is the good stuff. The good stuff, is what you give to the one you love.

It sounds to me, like your husband is coming home and talking with you. He is giving you some of his good stuff. Are you sharing yours? My advice would start with asking you to talk with your husband. Talk about some good stuff. Talk about your fear that maybe these other women are seeing in him all the things you fell in love with, and how that makes you feel. Tell him that you appreciate what he does, because you know if the roles were reversed, that you'd love to hear him say that. Treat him as you would want to be treated.


Should you find out, during this delightful communication session, that he is being unfaithful, well then, my dear - you have Carte' Blanche to unleash full womanly scorn upon his wretched soul. I am certain that you've got enough stored in your female mental bank, (filed under 'you-cheating-son-of-a-bitch')that you don't need my help in coming up with any revenge tactics. But, should you need some assistance in formulating a plan - please consider me. I have some tried and true methods, as well as a few ideas I've had through the years that I've not had opportunity to try. I would welcome the chance. I have a resume' and references if needed...

I don't condone violence, but I also don't condone cheating. If you're going to take that risk, then you better have your bags packed.
I'm just sayin.

Don't fret though 'Candice', cause you might just be better off with a baby sitter, a maid and one of these...

WHAT??! It's just a thought. God.
Rock on with your bad (non-cheatin on the one you love) self!

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Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark review

I don't like Super Hero movies. I'm not a Spider Man freak, and I'm not that fond of the Incredible Hulk...although I must admit that Haley Berry as Cat Woman did get my interest...more because of that skimpy cat suit than the fact that she had some sort of crime fighting prowess!

So I went to see the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight, with a bit of skepticism. After all, Hollywood tends to hype every movie as the big Summer Blockbuster...and most never live up to half the hype. Sure the new Indian Jones movie was good...but even though I blogged about Will Smith being Mr. Fourth of July, his new movie, Hancock, had a solid open but the sizzle didn't last too long.

So when the latest movie in the Batman franchise was announced I just rolled my we go again...anyone remember Val Kilmer as the caped crusader? I barely do...and it's my job to be on top of this stuff.

But after hearing all the reviews...and there were a bunch of 'em...reading on line interviews and the like...and hearing NOTHING but good things, especially about the late Heath Ledger...I decide to plunk down my cash and see what all the hype was about.

Instead of telling you about the plot, the special effects, and the car chases in The Dark Knight, I've decided to answer the one single question that everyone wants to know...maybe it's because he died of an apparently accidental drug overdose...maybe it's because he was an intriguing young actor...or maybe it's just because...

But the one thing that everyone wants to Heath Ledgers performance as The Joker really as good as everyone says. The answer is...

My one word review this morning was: SPECTACULAR...and that's no understatement.

This Joker isn't the campy Cesar Romero version from the 1960's TV show...nor is it the 1980's Jack "This town needs an enema" Nicholson version.

The Dark Knight's Joker comes from a far darker place...maybe the sullen corner of the local mental ward! From the possessed look in his eyes, to the way he stands slightly askew, to the crazy all makes up a truly chilling performance.

Here's a couple of previews from The Dark Knight...have a look and see what you think...

A couple of other scenes to watch for: The first happens close to the beginning of the movie. It's the bank robbery scene...and it is amazing. It sets the tone for what you'll be dealing with all movie long from The Joker...a deranged, psychotic, nut case.

The second scene is one that you might miss if you don't watch for it...but it tells a lot about the character...look for the part when Batman is on his motorcycle and has a chance to run The Joker over...listen for what The Joker says as Batman barrels toward's almost a plea to end the insanity! It made the hair on my arms stand up!

By the way, the movie is rated want you want, you know your kids better than I, but I have a 6 & 8 year old that I wouldn't take to see this one. It's not so much the language, or the violence...most of it's implied or you see the's just the overall performance by Ledger as The Joker that makes this the thing of nightmares...and not just a kids nightmare either...

Will someone leave the light on tonight...and have you seen my Teddy bear?

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