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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What Kinf of Tipper Are You?

Society dictates that we tip certain professions. I'm cool with that....IF you're the waiter or waitress at the restaurant or the person that cuts my hair. Other than might be hard pressed to get me to part with my money.

It actually aggrivates me when people expect to be tipped outside of those professions. If you want to tip the oil delivery guy, the paper delivery person, or the mail carrier at the holidays...that's cool.

But when did the person working the drive-thru at a fast food joint get the idea that we're supposed to tip THEM? Sorry...but I can't find the memo on that one. Maybe the e-mail telling me to give them the change from $5 on a $3.09 bill got sent to my Bulk Mail folder...hmm...nope...can't find it.

The part that bugs me the most is this: I sat there waiting for my change as he pretended not to notice that I was still there. Then, as if he just discovered the drive-thru had a window, he poked his head out and said, "Did you need your change?"

I swear I almost climbed out of my window and through his just so I could throw down some WWE move on his butt! Oh man was I hot!

Doing my best to stay calm, I took a breath, smiled, and simply replied, "Yes please."

Of course he gave me a look like I was the most disgusting, vile person he had ever met.

For a second I was worried he'd run back and spit on my food...but the saving grace was that I had sat there waiting for my change for so long that one of the other employee's was actually hanging out of the pick-up window looking to see where I was!

After reflecting upon all of this I've decided that I'll review my tipping policy...perhaps increase the amount I give up for great service at the places I frequent and for those that provide an invaluable service.

If you work in the service career field...thanks for all you do.

I happened to run across this while on line this morning...I thought it was kind of fitting. Enjoy.

The standard gratuity may be 15-20 percent. But according to one expert (Steve Dublanica), there are all sorts of tippers out there.

Which kind are you?

The verbal tipper: "Heavy on praise, cheap with the cash."

The Accountant: "If forced to split a check of $100.01 between two credit cards, one guy will
tip $7.50 and the other will tip $7.49."

The Flat Tipper: "You could spill hot soup on their baby or treat them like the Sultan of Brunei, they'll always tip you 15 percent."

The Sugar Daddy: "Out-of-shape wealthy Lotharios who try securing sexual favors from waitresses by giving them embarrassingly large tips."

The 10 Percenter: "Usually senior citizens."

The Foreigner: "Customers who come from other countries and feign ignorance about American tipping customs, so they can save a few bucks."

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