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Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark review

I don't like Super Hero movies. I'm not a Spider Man freak, and I'm not that fond of the Incredible Hulk...although I must admit that Haley Berry as Cat Woman did get my interest...more because of that skimpy cat suit than the fact that she had some sort of crime fighting prowess!

So I went to see the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight, with a bit of skepticism. After all, Hollywood tends to hype every movie as the big Summer Blockbuster...and most never live up to half the hype. Sure the new Indian Jones movie was good...but even though I blogged about Will Smith being Mr. Fourth of July, his new movie, Hancock, had a solid open but the sizzle didn't last too long.

So when the latest movie in the Batman franchise was announced I just rolled my we go again...anyone remember Val Kilmer as the caped crusader? I barely do...and it's my job to be on top of this stuff.

But after hearing all the reviews...and there were a bunch of 'em...reading on line interviews and the like...and hearing NOTHING but good things, especially about the late Heath Ledger...I decide to plunk down my cash and see what all the hype was about.

Instead of telling you about the plot, the special effects, and the car chases in The Dark Knight, I've decided to answer the one single question that everyone wants to know...maybe it's because he died of an apparently accidental drug overdose...maybe it's because he was an intriguing young actor...or maybe it's just because...

But the one thing that everyone wants to Heath Ledgers performance as The Joker really as good as everyone says. The answer is...

My one word review this morning was: SPECTACULAR...and that's no understatement.

This Joker isn't the campy Cesar Romero version from the 1960's TV show...nor is it the 1980's Jack "This town needs an enema" Nicholson version.

The Dark Knight's Joker comes from a far darker place...maybe the sullen corner of the local mental ward! From the possessed look in his eyes, to the way he stands slightly askew, to the crazy all makes up a truly chilling performance.

Here's a couple of previews from The Dark Knight...have a look and see what you think...

A couple of other scenes to watch for: The first happens close to the beginning of the movie. It's the bank robbery scene...and it is amazing. It sets the tone for what you'll be dealing with all movie long from The Joker...a deranged, psychotic, nut case.

The second scene is one that you might miss if you don't watch for it...but it tells a lot about the character...look for the part when Batman is on his motorcycle and has a chance to run The Joker over...listen for what The Joker says as Batman barrels toward's almost a plea to end the insanity! It made the hair on my arms stand up!

By the way, the movie is rated want you want, you know your kids better than I, but I have a 6 & 8 year old that I wouldn't take to see this one. It's not so much the language, or the violence...most of it's implied or you see the's just the overall performance by Ledger as The Joker that makes this the thing of nightmares...and not just a kids nightmare either...

Will someone leave the light on tonight...and have you seen my Teddy bear?

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