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Monday, April 20, 2009

Sailing Casco Bay!

Geoff and I bought a sailboat a few weeks ago. I've never sailed in my life, but was willing to have him teach me. He's sailed for years, worked at marina's and knows all about boats. I am beginning to think there isn't much he doesn't know! (Incidentally my dear, if you're reading this, I mean that in the nicest possible way!)

I never considered sailing as something fun. I didn't think I would ever have the desire to go, or be invited, because I don't know anyone else who sails. I thought it was boring and something that old rich people did.

The boat is a 1971 Venture 21'. It's been sitting for a long time and needs some work. We cleaned it up, but before we got too involved in the fixing, we needed to get it in the water and make sure we weren't getting in over our heads. (that is the expensive part I worried about) Saturday, we raised the mast put on the sails and made sure we had everything in the right place. We had everything together and the only other thing to do was to try it out. We spent Sunday morning cleaning her up, and then headed in to Casco Bay around 11AM. It was a perfect day! Sunshine, nice wind, we were ready for our maiden voyage.

As we left the boat launch and headed out into the bay, I was excited and apprehensive. I haven't been on too many boats in the ocean. It's a lot different than the lakes and rivers I am used to, thank you very much. But once the sails went up, and the boat took off - it was amazing! I completely forgot that we were in the ocean. It felt like we were riding a kite. I learned how to 'come about' by switching the jib from one side to another and was amazed at how that little rudder can move the boat with such precision!

Soon enough Geoff let me be in charge of the tiller and that was it. I was hooked!

I watched the jib, and as the wind caught it, I could feel it in the tiller and once I found the 'sweet spot' and held on, the boat took off across the bay! I felt such power! It was truly incredible. I can't wait for next weekend and am hoping that we're not too busy with household chores and such so we can go again! Heck, I'm ready to go right now!

Rock on with your bad self,


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