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Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools Day Lesson

Never...I mean NEVER...try to pull an April Fools Day joke involving money on a 9-year-old kid.

It was almost bed time last night when I realized I hadn't exercised my God given right as a parent to pull an April Fools joke on my kids.

So, I quietly called over my oldest son, Jack, and whispered dramatically....making it overly obvious that I what I was about to impart was for his ears only. When I told him that I had left a $20 bill in my left jacket pocket and that he was welcome to it his eyes lit up like Christmas morning (That's when I should have known that I had made a BIG mistake).

Jack looked around the room to see if anyone else had heard...then silently mouthed, "20 bucks?" As I nodded yes he was off like a shot. Once at the coat rack his hands worked quickly...pulling my coat off the hook, tossing it on the table., feverishly attempting to get his little hand inside the pocket. But once there, a curious look crossed his face as he asked,

"Dad...did you say left pocket?"

"Yes, " I replied.

With confusion in his voice he said, "It's not there...and it's not in your right pocket either."

Holding back a chuckle, I said, "Oh really? Hmmm...must be because it's April Fools Day!"

At this point I expected to hear, "Oh Dad...that's not cool." Or a groan, followed by a request for some real cash. Instead he began crying like someone had ripped off his bike! It wasn't just a cry mind was more of a mournful wail really! Of course it probably didn't help that I was laughing.

I tried to explain that it was a time honored Fox Family tradition to pull April Fools jokes on each other...and that now that he was old enough...I had pulled my first one on him, and that some day he will pull one on his son. Of course this line of reason fell completely on deaf ears.

However, his response had me doubled over! Through the tears he managed to choke out, "April Fools Day is stupid. It's just a good reason for people to go around lying to other people. And this is especially bad because you I would love to have $20."

Eventually all of the crying...mixed with my laughter...caught the ear of my youngest son, Nick. Once he had heard both sides of the story, Nick looked at Jack, shook his head and said, "Gimme a break Jack. It was a know Dad better than that...he's not giving up 20 bucks for any reason! Now stop your bawling...I'm trying to watch Cops."

Of course this made me laugh even harder...and Jack cry louder!

After about 10 minutes of blubbering he finally stormed off to take a shower and cool down. Afterward I tried again to explain the tradition of April Fools Day. I guess he had some time to think it over and see how ridiculous the whole thing was, because he laughed and said,

"How do you know I wasn't pulling an April Fools joke on you by pretending to cry."

"Were you?"

"No," he said. "Are you kidding? We're talking about $20!"

After I tucked him into bed I replayed the whole incident over in my head...and was reminded of this classic Saturday Night Live skit, Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy.

Good times...good times.

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