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Monday, March 30, 2009

Fill 'er up.

I was at the gas station yesterday. Here is how my conversation went.

Heidi: "Fill it please"
Attendant: "Sure thing or card?"
Heidi: "Cash"
Attendant: "You got it hon".

OK. Let me stop right here so you can get a visual.

This guy was probably only pushing 45, but it looked like a hard 45 if you know what I mean. He spends a lot of time in the sun and harsh elements ( no doubt a hazard of the job) and his complexion shows it. He has a moustache which is yellowed by nicotine, and he is missing his four front teeth. Not an attractive look. Maybe if you're 7 and you're proud of the loot left for you by the tooth fairy, but TRUST ME - it's been a long time since this guy's seen a dentist, let alone the tooth fairy...

So, as he walks away to fill the tank, I felt a little creeped out that he called me 'hon'. He finished his task and came back to the window to get the money. "That's $29 bucks, hon" (Ewww! He called me 'hon' again!) So, I hand him $40 through the window, and before he fully grasped the twenties he said, "Be right back with your change hon".


Look, call me hon once? OK. I can take it. Because if I am to be honest, I too sometimes call people 'pet type' names. My word of choice is 'Doll'. "Thanks, doll!" or "You're a doll". But not to everyone and not all the time!

He came back to the car with my change and as he reached toward my outstretched hand, he said "Eleven dollars is your change. Thanks hon. Have a real good day hon. Come back soon hon." Three hons in a row! It was too much for me to take! I couldn't wait to get the heck out of there.

Now, I have to ask. Would I have been so offended at him calling me 'hon' if he looked like George Clooney? Probably not. I might have been inclined to come back for gas in a few hours if that were the case.

I can't be the only one that is offended at this type of stuff. Am I?
Am I that shallow? Somebody, say it ain't so!

Rock on with your bad selves... Hon...


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