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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

OMG! Am I a Stalker?

The weirdest thing just happened.

After moving my car from the curb to the parking garage next to the FRANK studio, I headed toward the stairs to start the climb down to the street, when my nose caught a whiff of the most beautiful smell ever. Immediately I scanned the garage looking for what could possibly be responsible for this glorious aroma... after all this garage usually reeks of cat urine, motor oil, and burned to smell something this wonderful was quite a surprise.

Then I spotted her...talking on her cell phone...totally unaware that her perfume had caused me to lock in on her like a Great White Shark on a bleeding seal! Usually I'm in no hurry to rush down four flights of stairs, but I was afraid this wonderful scent was about to escape so I quickly picked up the pace and fell into step one flight behind this walking bouquet!

All the way down the stairs the smell of perfume engulfed me to the point that I thought to myself, "You have to say something. You must tell her how wonderful she smells." It was almost like a scene in a movie where an Angel and a Devil pop up on your shoulders!

The Devil was whispering in my ear..."Do it. Tell her you wanna sniff her from head to toe." Meanwhile the Angel was saying, "Don't you dare say a word. Plug your nose and keep on walking." Then the Devil popped up again and called me a wimp!

By this point I had reached the bottom of the stairs, she had escaped, umm I mean gone outside...still talking on her cell...waiting to cross the street. Usually I would have crossed, but for some strange reason I suddenly felt a little more law abiding!

Then, as quickly as it had started, it was over. The light changed, she walked on, and I took a couple of deep sniffs...hoping to ingrain that smell into my olfactory lobe forever.

I'm not sure who would have won out in the Devil vs. Angel battle...but I'm kinda leaning Devil!
I just can't even begin to explain how GREAT she was truly AMAZING. And you know what just dawned on me? Maybe I'll smell her, I mean see her...tomorrow and I can ask then.

I'll let you know.

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