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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Someone's got way too much time on their hands...

I thought I might highlight some of the things that people with too much time on their hands can come up with - some are totally useless, and yet although some others have a function; I still have to ask why bother?

Honestly. If it says "Only available though this special TV offer" then chances are, the marketing geniuses behind the products weren't successful enough to actually get them into stores somewhere.

Lets start with these.

OK, I can totally see how people will need a coffin; at least the people who want to be buried vs. burned into cinders. But, here's where it gets weird. An Australian company has launched a line of personalized, environmentally safe coffins.

LifeArt customers can choose from a range of designs, such as an image of a surfer catching a wave, an open road, Sydney Harbor Bridge or a cowboy riding off into the sunset.

A sure way to look tacky, even in death. No price listed. I wonder why? I bet people everywhere are just 'dying' to get in one of these...

Next on the list

The Deni Gravy Warmer. According to the write up on this little gem, "Hosting a dinner party requires the right tools. Now gravies or sauces can be created ahead of time and kept warm until the hostess is ready with the Deni Electric Gravy Warmer". Well, hell, I didn't know I could hold the entire dinner up until I was ready. Perhaps I should look into this. I make a mean gravy.

Oh look, it's only $24.95 plus $7.95 S/H. What a steal! I better get two, I have a really long table.

And who doesn't need one of these...

Only $8.95 plus $6.95 S/H. It's a bargain at twice the price.

Say it ain't so...

No waiting for a big pot of water to boil? I can cook pasta to al dente perfection in the microwave? The Fasta Pasta uses less energy and water, and pasta cooks in half the time it takes on the stove and there no need to stop the microwave to stir. Just add pasta, water and place in the microwave in just minutes you’ll be serving perfect pasta. Fasta Pasta cooks evenly without sticking and will not boil over. Hummmm. Looks a lot like the plastic storage boxes I can get at the dollar store for... A DOLLAR. I also have a razor blade to cut a hole in the top to make sure my 'portion size' is correct. Cause I've never made too much pasta before. OK, maybe once. But I have this handy thing at home called a refrigarator! I keep the uneaten pasta in there for a few days.

But, if you gotta have one, the FASTA PASTA original will set you back $14.95 plus $6.95 S/H

And perhaps the worst thing I have ever seen.

I don't even want to talk about it. Not now, not ever. I hate it, I hate the name for it, I hate the commercial for it and I really hate it that Bill has such an unhealthy obsession with it.

Rock on with your bad self. Snuggie and all.


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