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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Social Networking

Remember back in the day when you went to a bar, or ran into someone at the bookstore and struck up a conversation? Maybe you gave them your business card, or you searched through your jacket pocket...or purse for you find a piece of paper to write down your phone number.

If you ever did that...then you were engaging in social networking! Who knew? I thought I was just giving someone my card that happened to have my phone number on it.

Then at some point we moved into the computer age and instead of a phone number we started giving people our e-mail address. You'd log onto your computer...and there it would be...a little note just for you in the In Box! Again...I never realized I was engaging in social networking. Heck, I was just happy I knew how to use a computer!

Well if you haven't heard numbers and e-mail is so days we just say, "Send me a message on Facebook." Or..."I'll look for you on Myspace." And if you have a really short attention span then you can just drop an update on Twitter (choose this option and you'll be known as a tweeter!) it has a name; this is social networking!

Social Networking is all the rage...and it's not just for kids. As a matter of fact there are more and more adults using Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter than ever before. Some of my friends say they use it just to keep up with what their kids are doing...others say they use it to make new business contacts...and another reason I hear a lot is that it's fun to catch up with old friends or stay in touch with loved ones from away. I'll admit it...I love Facebook! The only problem is that it can eat up an hour of your day before you realize it...but it is fun.

If you haven't signed up for a social networking site yet...what are you waiting for? Everyone is there! Click on these links and get started.

After setting up an account...look for me. I'd be happy to be your friend! There's also pages for 107-5 FRANK-FM and Frank's Place with Bill & Heidi.

So don't ask me for my phone number...just look for me on Facebook!

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