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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Piercing update!!!

OK, as you heard yesterday - we discussed with, my daughter Caitlin, the fact that she wants a body piercing. This is what I think of when I hear body piercing... I picked THE LEAST GRAPHIC photos from the stupid collection that I've received over the past day (thank you to all the listeners who are supportive of me and my decision!) to put up on this blog...

Some people may still consider these graphic, and if you're upset by them, then I offer my apology. But I chose to post the pics in my blog to further reinforce my point. And besides, maybe there are some of you who are going through this same struggle at home right now and can use these as ammo for your kids! What parent doesn't love that?

OK, so here we go...Who in their right mind wants to do something like this?
I mean really. Look at the surprise on this guys face. He can't believe he would do something so totally stupid either!

OK, how about this... Do you suppose her mother was cool with her putting this on her face? Look at her lips! They're beautiful!! They're perfect!! Now she has gone and ruined them... There is nothing "SEXY" about this at all. At least not to me.

Apparently, these two like to play hide and seek.

OK, I am down with that... You go hide and I will come seek you after oh, I dunno, 10- 15 years.... Peek-A-Boo, I see a FREAK. Yeah laugh it up funny guy, cause you don't look a bit stupid. Oh, and uh, she is smiling because she doesn't look like you.

This. Is. Just. Plain. Stupid.
Was he drunk? On pills? Cause I won't accept that someone willingly did this kind of action to themselves on purpose. Oh, wait, I know, this is an ER photo right? Hey wait, isn't this the guy who 'accidentally shot himself in the head with a nail gun'? Or was that guy trying to copy this guy,? Either way, it sucks.

All I can say to this one is WTF?

So, in conclusion, I ask you, how do these people make a living? Do you suppose any of them are school teachers? I showed the pics to my daughter and asked her that same question. Since yesterday and seeing these photos, she has changed her mind and now has decided that she'd like another tattoo. Which is totally cool with me. (Yes, even though it is permanent!)

I know that she will have to think long and hard about where to put it, what to get, how big it should be, etc. She has a small one already on her hip. She thought about that one for years. Who knows, maybe she will forget all about it in a few weeks. Maybe not.

If she doesn't, then that's still OK. Who knows, I may go along with her and get another one myself! Once you start, you can't stop. It's kinda like that commercial for Lay's potato chips from back in the day. There's no stopping at just one...

Until next time, rock on with your bad self...


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