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Friday, September 12, 2008

Hair... To cut or not to cut?

This is the question I was pondering last week.

I chose to cut, and I went short! My hair is almost as short as Bill's now!

Anyway, I don't regret my decision to cut my hair, and I've gotten many compliments on my choice of cut - well, except from my daughter. She was the first one to say "I hate it". And she meant it! She still doesn't like it! My son says it's 'cool' (and with winter coming, he's got no idea how right he is) my boyfriend likes it, my co-workers have all said it looks nice, and even the lady at my bank said "Wow! That looks great!" I am pleased to say that I have a new and stylish haircut.

But, some times folks aren't so pleased with their choices to cut their hair. And sometimes, even though they're pleased - no one else is...

This is what I mean...

The self cut that leaves us looking (and obviously feeling) stupid!

Who hasn't had good old Mom cut their hair? Hey - Ma, here's a tip. Unless you went to school for that - get away from my head. WE both know when it comes out bad, you're just going to say I cut it and that's the best job you could do to fix it... Thanks Mom, love you too.

Apparently, some of us NEVER learn about letting dear old Mom cut our hair! Come on - get a job so you can pay for a decent hair cut! What's wrong with you? You can't actually like the way that looks!!

There's always the "Hey - look what my friends did while I was passed out drunk" haircut. Oh, boy. And we keep our enemies closer than we keep our friends? Who made up that rule? Now, our friends AND our enemies are laughing at us. Great. Just friggin great.

The choice to do drugs, could take you from bad to worse...
This is the Meth-cut. Nice. Very nice.

Here's another thing - a mullet is NEVER a good fashion statement. Not even when you razor in some fancy lines over the ear...

I don't know who did this, but they should get a big fat SLAP!

Is that supposed to be funny? Cause it isn't. It's stupid.

And, I can't remember anything from the 80's that looked good... Mah Gahd! least I got a good one. I don't have a photo yet, but be watching for the pet of the week feature that Bill and I do on Thursdays, you'll be sure to see it. And, feel free to let me know what you think.
Rock on with your bad self...

Oh, and by the way, if you're looking for a great hair dresser, let me know...I can hook you up!

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