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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You Went Where?

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford continues to make news today after ditching his security detail late last week and taking off for four days without telling anyone where he was going.

At the time his wife said she had no idea where he was, but wasn't worried...he just needed a few days away from the kids! His staff said that Sanford was hiking the Appalachian Trail. Today, the Governor admitted he was actually in Argentina! Why Argentina? Because he wanted to do something exotic!

Please understand, I don't fault the guy for wanting to get away from it all. God knows that I occasionally feel like packing a bag, jumping in the car and just taking off for parts unknown. But I don't! Mostly because when I got home my wife would kill me! Come on know that would never fly in your house either.

Maybe it's just me...but isn't it kind of odd that he wanted to get away from his kids over Father's Day weekend? I wonder what they did to make him fly all the way to South America to get away from them. I felt lucky just to sleep in an extra hour, and get a card...but as I think about it...a little trip would have been nice. Call me easy, but I would have been happy with a daytrip to Boston...instead I sat at Haddlock Field under the threat of rain and watched the Sea Dogs get their butts kicked.

Oh well...after all, he is a Governor and I'm just a regular guy. But, doesn't that make it even more important that someone should know where he is at all times? What if there had been a statewide emergency, a national disaster, or God forbid a family emergency that required his presence?

Politics aside, it just seems a little irresponsible to me. Maybe we'll get some answers this afternoon when Sanford holds his press conference. Personally I don't care what his excuse is...heck more power to the guy...he got away with something most all of us have daydreamed about but don't have the guts to try.

So go on Governor, take off for a week next time...but if you need a traveling companion I know some guys that would like to join you...and we promise not to tell anyone where were going.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Why did I ever pick last week to start a new eating plan??... I didn’t even consider that graduation parties were happening, company would be coming and that I’d have to try and please the palate of all our guests, friends and family members…

I suppose though it’s like anything else when you think about it. I never take a trip in the car and get every green light in town. Why would this be any different?
If I had thought to use Graduation as an excuse to prolong my lifestyle change, I could have then easily found a hundred more reasons and procrastinated this out for months or even years. But, that is what got me to where I am now. Procrastination instead of action is what causes the photographer to use the panoramic lens…

I cleaned out the freezer of all red meat. Steaks, burger, roasts, etc… – gone. I grilled it all and offered it to our guests. Since I am not eating red meat any longer, the red meat that does get purchased will be used immediately I don’t plan to have more in the house - unless Geoff brings it home and asks me to cook it for him.

This week was full of choices good and bad. When I stepped on the scale earlier this week , I had gained back two pounds of the 6 lbs I'd lost. This morning when I stepped on the scale ( I only weigh myself twice a week - it seems to put less pressure on me, if that makes sense) I had lost the two I had gained back and two more, so my total loss is 10 lbs in two weeks. Not too shabby at all.

I don't notice it yet though, and everyone says that the first ten comes off easy and it's mostly water weight. Great, like I want to hear that...

Anyway, I continue to plug along, and am happy with my progress. I think even more than the weight loss this week, I was proud of the healthy choices I've made. It all comes down to commitment. I go on vacation in two weeks, and am trying to lose 10 more by then. That'd be really great. Cross your fingers!

Rock on with your bad self,


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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Excuse Me. Did I Offend?

The untimely and curious death of actor David Carradine is undoubtedly one of the biggest stories of the week. It has made headlines around the globe.

One reason is because Carradine was an iconic actor. He'll forever be remembered for his role in the '70's TV show King Fu.

And for his huge comeback role in the movie Kill Bill.

Another reason that this story has garnered so much interest is because of the way that David Carradine died. Any time a celebrity dies people are curious as to the cause. When they pass away in a hotel in a foreign country dressed in fishnets, wearing a wig, with sexy lingerie on the bed, then people get really curious. Such is the case with David Carradine.

After two autopsies, the official cause of death has been reported to be auto-erotic asphyxiation...a dangerous sex game where the brain is deprived of oxygen to enhance the pleasure.

Personally it doesn't sound so exciting to me, but them again spending hours building elaborate devices to tie myself up doesn't do anything for me either. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned that way! But for whatever reason, David Carradine was into that sort of thing. Reports are that he was heavy into all kinds of stuff like cross-dressing, adult toys, movies, and the like.

It's not for me to pass judgement on what a 72 year old man does in the quiet confines of his bedroom...or in this case, a Bangkok hotel room. However, I do have a right to talk about it, and share my personal opinions on the air each morning during Frank's Place with Bill & Heidi.

We're an infotainment show. In other words, we talk about the biggest stories of the day, be it news, entertainment, sports...whatever. We're sort of like the front page of Yahoo. If we run across something during the day that we think would make you laugh or interest you...then chances are you'll hear about it on the show. There are times we'll pass on a subject or a topic because it may not be family-friendly, it isn't appropriate, or we just feel it isn't interesting enough. Our goal each morning is to entertain, inform, and make you laugh on the way to work.

Over the past several days we have talked about David Carradine, his death, and his private life. At no time did we try to sensationalize the story, make it bigger that it is, or get off-color in our commentary. As a matter of fact we went out of our way to avoid some of the racier language that some of the reports we read off the air used to describe the incident.

I take great pride in knowing that each morning we do a clean show. Heidi and I do not rely on blue humor, crude jokes, or sexual innuendo for our content. Do we joke around and poke fun at people, each other, and ourselves? Yes we do. We do it in a fun, good natured way. It's never intended to harm, or make someone uncomfortable or uneasy. You'll never hear us degrade, humiliate, or discriminate against someone. Nor will we ever be overtly sexual. That stuff isn't what the show is about.

I talk to a lot of listeners. One of the comments that I get the most from people is that they love listening to Frank's Place with Bill & Heidi because it's safe to listen to with their kids in the car. As a dad to two young boys, that's the best compliment that I can get.

So if for some reason you're like the woman that e-mailed this morning to say she can't believe that we would be so insensitive to talk about a subject like David Carradine's death...I'm sorry if you were offended. But like I said on the's a strange story, everyone is talking about it, and when I hear his name in the future I won't think about his great acting roles...I'll think about the weird stuff we found out about him after he passed.

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So…after many failed attempts to quit smoking, I finally succeeded and have been successful for over a year now. Now, I have to tackle my next problem.

FOOD. I love it.
I love to shop for food, I love to cook it and of course I love to eat it! And, there’s really nothing wrong with that, the problem is that I don’t exercise and too many of the things I eat, aren’t good for me. “Hello…..Heidi, you’re 38, your kids are leaving the nest, and it’s going to be your time with Geoff soon, so now is the time for change.”

I tried Weight Watchers, and even though the plan sounded simple enough, and my mother did great on it, I just couldn’t make it work for me. I did Jenny Craig and although it worked for the time I was following it to the letter, I can’t afford it. And if I am being completely honest, it’s no better for me than what I could make myself – it’s just not realistic for me to eat out of little packages for the rest of my life. It might take off the weight, but it won’t solve my problem of making bad choices. Which is why when I stopped the plan, the weight came back.

I’m not stupid, but I finally realized what it will take for me to be as successful with this.


I was completely committed to quitting smoking. I didn’t want to do it anymore, even though I loved it. I have to adopt that same attitude again, only for something else. I am not pleased with myself, my choices or my laziness for the past 15 years.

It’s been one week since I made the decision to alter my life in a major way once again.
I went to Borders, and bought two books. Jillian Michaels ‘Winning by Losing: Drop the Weight, Change Your Life’, and ‘The Biggest Loser 30-Day Jump Start’.

I have done the shopping, preparation and planning for the past week and I never realized how long it takes to prepare everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that I put in my mouth. The best thing for me, is while I am getting these meals ready, I am thinking about them. How they’ll taste, why I should be eating this instead of something ‘on the go’ or the fast food that I love so much. I don’t feel deprived, and am eating things I’ve never had before. It’s a mind-set and I’m there.

The only thing I haven’t done yet is to start the exercising – with graduation week, company from out of state and out of the country, repainting the inside of the house and running to and fro with kids appointments, I just can’t get into the schedule until next week. But I’m ready. So far, I’ve lost 6 lbs, and its great motivation to stay on track.
The family is supportive and they actually like the recipes that I’m making. This to me is phenomenal. I have to admit, it is delicious.

Feel free to grab the book/s and do this with me, your support would be appreciated, not to mention beneficial to you!

Rock on with your bad self,


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Friday, June 5, 2009

Please Keep Your Nose In Your Own Business

Yesterday afternoon I picked my kids up from school instead of having them ride the bus. I wanted to take them with me to buy rabbit and guinea pig food at an Ag store close to our house.

When we pulled into the parking lot I pointed out a hutch full of baby bunnies. They ran over to fawn over the rabbits while I went inside and got the food. While inside I noticed a tub full of baby chicks, and a tub full of baby ducks...something I knew they would both love to see.

As they excitedly hovered around the chicks, they asked if I would buy them a baby chicken or a baby duck.

Now everyone knows that I love animals...after all, we have two dogs, five cats, the guinea pig, and the rabbit. In my opinion that's enough...I'm not running the Maine Wildlife Park.

But you know kids...when I said "No," I was met with the famous last words: "Dad, we'll take care of them." Ummmm....yeah. I've heard that before. Ask me who cleans the litter box, takes the dogs out for a walk, and makes sure they all have food and water. Of course you know the wife! Just kidding...the real answer is my wife and me with help from the kids!

Anyway, as the kids began their full-on assault a lady walked by, heard the kids, then looked at me and said "Those chickens don't eat much." To which I replied, "That's not the issue." And as if she didn't even hear me, said, "Well what's wrong with them having a duck? Why don't you buy your kids a pet?"

Before I could even open my mouth to answer, a dog ran up to Jack, and he said, "Oh look Nick...a dog."

A split second later, the woman turned toward me, glared, and said, "For God's sake. Are you telling me these kids don't even have a dog?"

"Yes they have a dog. As a matter of fact they have two dogs" I replied.

"Oh," she said. "Well you should buy them a chicken and then you could have fresh eggs."

I said, "Eggs are nice. Fried chicken is better!"

You should have seen the look on her was classic! She was appalled and I was so amused at myself that I laughed out loud! I love it when that happens.

The boys and I jumped in the car and went home...without a chicken or a duck. And guess what...they didn't say another word about getting a chicken the rest of the night.

However, they didn't really want to have dinner at KFC either. Me on the other hand...well I love the 2 piece meal deal!

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Crazy Dog Lady!

My mother has turned into the crazy dog lady! She has a car seat, a basket for her bicycle, and a ‘castle bed’ for her little pooch. Last year, the Christmas cards she sent out were home made – and featured Sasha on the front with a bow in her hair. She told me last week that she actually went and made an ID bracelet with Sasha’s name on it… and she wears it! Funny thing is I always thought my mother HATED dogs.

She told me she loves her dog, and I explained that I love my dogs too – and we include them in our activities. If we’re out, they’re out. We take them for rides ‘just because’. Roscoe loves the beach and Maggie loves to go hiking.

In an effort to show my mother that my dogs are ‘cooler’ than hers, I introduced them to the internet. Yes, I created a Facebook page for my dogs. The kids are of course mortified that Geoff and I have done this and they’re refusing to friend the dogs. I had daggers thrown at me from Caitlin’s eyes when I announced to her that quite a few friends of hers friended both dogs. “WHAT??? You’re sending friend requests from THE DOGS to MY FRIENDS? Have you lost your mind Mum? OMG. That’s so embarrassing. Don’t send one to me, I am not accepting it. I am not going to be friends with my dog on Facebook. Good God Mum!” She then promptly stormed off to her room. A few hours later, she had accepted both friend requests.

Won’t you be friends with them too? I can’t wait to show this to my mother.

Roscoe Jack Russell -
Maggie Dane –

Yeah, I’m a tool and I do love my dogs dearly – but I’d rather take heat for having a Facebook page than to have someone ask about my ID bracelet.

Rock on with your bad self,


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